Confused about waxing?
How long does the hair need to be to have a Brazilian wax?
If you have been shaving, I highly recommend growing the hair out for at LEAST two weeks. Typically, two weeks will be fine, but you want to be able to get the smoothest wax possible. If you can wait for three weeks it would be even better. Please DO NOT go by the “length of a grain of rice” that you may have Googled or may have seen on social media. It’s best to go by what we suggest. Sometimes if it is your first wax, it may not perfect and may have minor stubble, but we promise it will change your life!!
Do I need to trim?
NO. PLEASE DO NOT TRIM. Whether it’s been 6 months or 2 years, please do not trim! Sometimes clients end up trimming the hair too short in certain areas. It is best to just leave the length so that we may offer you a good service. Please avoid trimming at all costs!
What’s the difference between a bikini and a Brazilian?
The bikini line is just the outside of the bikini bottom and taking it a bit lower on top. The Brazilian is everything in the front (lip area) and the landing strip and booty strips are optional.
Have any questions that you need answered? Feel free to text Lizz or Evan!
How long should I wait between waxes?
The second wax at 4 weeks is always the better wax than the first wax. The hair growth is where it should be, so the results are always better and it hurts a lot less! 4 weeks is the recommended time between waxes to keep yourself on the ideal wax schedule. Over time, your hair may slow down in growth and you can push it out to about 5-6 weeks if you prefer to. 6 weeks would be the longest amount of time to wait between waxes. You do not want to allow too much hair to grow back. It would defeat the purpose of being consistent. The more hair you allow to grow back, the more painful to remove it. Also, DO NOT SHAVE BETWEEN WAXES!